How to purchase the DLS TRIFILLY

The first 35 buyers receive 6 month no interest financing!!!

Terms of payments:

  • The DLS is hosted on our server (Before the completion of payments).
  • Deposit of 30% of the total cost is required. The remaining amount is paid off within the next 6 months in equal installments.
  • If a user fails to pay by the due date, the access to the DLS gets blocked. Please note, fees are non-refundable.

10% Paid in Full Discount.

Please let us know if you have questions about price and discounts.
Attention! The price is subject to inflation.

Price includes installation fees, technical support, and 5 subsequent system upgrades.


Administration of the Learning Portal:

  • Designing courses;
  • Creating tests;
  • User Administration (providing access to courses, providing information to the customers about completed tests);
  • Technical support;
  • Adding and updating course materials.


It is important to know that by purchasing this product, you are becoming a part of a team of experts experienced in software development for companies that use distance learning systems.

You have the following options:

  • Update the system to the latest version. The new version is developed taking into account technological changes and changing needs of our customers, education centers and students.
  • Education centers can request any software updates which will be implemented free of charge in the next version of the DLS.
  • We always welcome new ideas on how we can improve of the system. Customers whose ideas are implemented in the DSL receive free services such as system updates, data analysis, promotions, admin services, assistance with targeting advertising, etc.